2015 出牌手法 T11 Photon by Dennis Kim

2015_出牌手法_T11_Photon_by_Dennis_Kim 图1
【教学名称】:Photon by Dennis Kim

Photon is a one card production that allows for a single playing card to be shot out of the deck very quickly. The card may travel a far distance and even, when angles permit, produce a card invisibly.

The mechanics behind the production allow for many applications and effects to be achieved in ways that could not be with other one card productions out there. Two of these applications are included in this download:

1. Eject - A freely selected card shoots out of the deck as you set the deck down on the table.

2. Attraction & Repulsion - A card is freely selected and lost in the deck. Generating static electricity between your hands, you repel the card box away a few inches without touching it. Then, generating static with the card box itself, it instantly attracts the selected card from the deck.
2015_出牌手法_T11_Photon_by_Dennis_Kim 图2


