2014 选牌在任意数字 Flush At Any Number by Tom Phoenix

2014 选牌在任意数字_Flush At Any Number by Tom Phoenix 图1

【影片名称】:Flush At Any Number by Tom Phoenix 

This is a multi-phase routine that expands on the Card At Any Number plot. A card is selected, remembered, and replaced. A number is named, and the selection is found at that number. The soul mate to the selection is then located, the other two cards of the same value are produced, and a royal flush is dealt. 

-You do not know the number until AFTER you replace the card. 
-No bottom deals, and no second deals. 
-The workings have many applications beyond this routine. 

-Additional ideas are taught to enhance your performance. 

2014 选牌在任意数字_Flush At Any Number by Tom Phoenix 图2


