2013 两牌互换位置 E公司 Modulate by Dee Christopher

2013_两牌互换位置_E公司_Modulate_by_Dee_Christopher 图1

2013 两牌互换位置 E公司 Modulate by Dee Christopher



The two card transposition, re-vamped. (re-vampired)

Modulate is a direct and easy to use concept for transpositions.

With this simple gimmick, You can make two cards, both spectator signed and from a borrowed deck, (if you wish) switch places instantly and visually from in the spectator's hands and your own.

Once you've learnt the basic effect, the applications are limitless.

You'll be able to apply the gimmick to train tickets, travel passes, billets, index cards and anything else that you can fold into quarters.


